Thursday, May 5, 2011

"God's Wildflower"

I know a lot of you are probably wondering why or how I came up with the name "God's wildflower". When i think about who i am and my purpose here, this seems to be the best way i can describe it. I'm not perfect, i have lots of  flaws, i sometimes go against the grain, i sometimes feel inadequate or not normal, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not talented enough, etc. But I've come to the conclusion that no matter where i am, whatever shape or condition i am in, I'm still good enough to be God's child. I don't have to be perfect in order for God to love me. He loves me no matter how i look, or how talented i am. And i can bloom like a wildflower for God anywhere he plants me. Wildflowers bloom in adversity , it's amazing they survive in the wilderness through bad weather and storms, and they always come back every year in due season and blossom. Wildflowers to me are a symbol of strength and perseverance, which is what I want my faith to be.....strong and ever so ready to persevere whatever may come my way.